Public Sector/Development Assistance programs
Edes & Associates has a network of firms and individuals across the African region who provide services to the Public and Development Aid Sectors. We set up this group in recognition of the need to focus on the audit, fiduciary assurance, programme management support and advisory needs of this important sector, which comprises a significant amount of Edes & Associates’ work in Africa.
With more than 19 years of continent public sector expertise, Edes & Associates is one of the most experienced providers of professional services to the public and development sectors in Africa. Our long involvement and close relations with the region’s governments, donors and civil society have repeatedly demonstrated the importance of professional management and financial integrity in maintaining trust between development partners and ensuring that their projects genuinely meet local development needs.
With professionals in public sector reform, institutional and human capacity building, programme and project management and assurance services we have enabled our clients to develop practical solutions to the changing needs of a changing continent. We believe that specialisation of our services provides us with a body of staff with particular sensitivity to the needs of the sector.
We have delivered strategy, results and value to our clients including: The Global fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, The International Food Policy Research Institute, The office of the auditor general Rwanda, Uganda, The Austrian Leprosy Relief Association, Child Fund International, Center for Disease Control, The Austrian Development Agency, US Agency for International Development, Foreign, Commonwealth & Development office, formerly DFID, Danish International Development Agency Malaria Consortium, PEPFAR funded projects, CDC funded projects.
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